White Papers and E-Books

Download white papers and E-Books from Lowell to learn how different processes and methods can improve your medical device manufacturing outcomes.

White Papers and E-Books

Ebook: The Impact of Automation on Efficiency and Effectiveness in Medical Device Manufacturing

One of the biggest advantages of automation is the transformation that comes with impacting the human process, allowing talented professionals to focus on higher-value, essential needs. This benefits everyone involved, producing greater employee performance and increasingly efficient production delivering cost-effective production of device components. Today you will see robots and co-bots and other automation tools throughout our facility. We take immense pride in our automation leadership. This ebook is a collection of topics that highlight advantages of enhancing automation that can transform your business processes.

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White Papers and E-Books

Ebook: Precision GD&T in the Design, Manufacture and Assembly of Complex Medical Devices

Precision GD&T in the Design, Manufacture and Assembly of Complex Medical Devices is an opportunity to ensure performance while reducing inspection time, allowing greater efficiency in getting to market.

Download our ebook to learn more about profile tolerancing, which is a critical practice of precision GD&T, and how using precision GD&T can reduce inspection time.

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White Papers and E-Books

Ebook: How to Define and Implement a Design Intent Strategy

Learn more about successfully defining the essential features and experience that your organization is striving for in the production of medical device components.

In this piece, you will understand why a design intent strategy is important, as well as how standards and processes like ASME Y14.5M 2009, Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T), and critical feature confirmation can enhance manufacturing and lead to better results.

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White Papers and E-Books

7 Tips to Reduce Lead Times with Effective Project Management

Successful, on-time medical device manufacturing relies on strict timelines and schedules. Without a formal project management process, it’s difficult to stay on track and deliver for your customers.

In this white paper, we share seven project management tips that have helped us decrease lead times on complex projects by 50 percent. These can be implemented by both OEMs and their suppliers to enhance device delivery, improve communication and build relationships.

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White Papers and E-Books

Improve Device Development with a Clear Design Intent Strategy

Improve Device Development with a Clear Design Intent Strategy

Realizing our customers’ design intent is one of our goals with any project. To share more about how a design intent strategy can improve the product development process, we created the white paper, “Improve Device Development with a Clear Design Intent Strategy.” Download the white paper now to learn more about what’s included in design intent discussions, and how GD&T paired with 3D solid models can clarify design intent and improve device development.

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White Papers and E-Books

Metrology Matching

How Improved Communication Can Increase Supplier Performance

Metrology matching, also called inspection matching, is a leading way to solve this issue. The process aligns two separate inspection systems, one from the OEM and one from the supplier. This ensures that everyone is on the same page for inspection and measurement, even if they use different equipment and measurement methods.

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White Papers and E-Books

Critical Feature Confirmation in Complex Medical Assemblies

Critical feature confirmation (CFC) helps design teams determine which medical device features are critical so they can streamline the design, review and quality control processes. Download this white paper to learn more about this process and how it can help you improve design and testing of a new medical device.

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White Papers and E-Books

Success by Design

Improving Design Intent, Communication and Medical Device Production with ASME Y14.5 2009 Standards

Ensuring your engineering, manufacturing, and quality teams are aligned is critical to successful medical device development. Then why are there still so many issues with design intent not matching the parts created? Learn more about critical steps in the GD&T process and ASME Y14.5M 2009 standards to improve your outcomes.

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White Papers and E-Books

How to Use Precision GD&T to Reduce Inspection Time for Complex Medical Devices

Precision geometrical dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) and profile tolerancing are key design methods to accelerate a medical device’s time to market by reducing inspection time. This white paper explores the positive impact that these methods has on three types of inspection: setup, in-process and final.

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White Papers and E-Books

Statistical Methods for Precision Machining: An Overview

This white paper about statistical methods in precision machining offers an overview of how to use data to reduce critical features, create a design of experiments and how to recognize if your current supplier has the equipment and skill sets to fully utilize manufacturing data to advance your projects.

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